About EEN
The European Business Support Network Enterprise Europe Network was set up by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs as one of the main tools for implementing SME support policies.
The Enterprise Europe Network is managed by the Brussels-based Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.
Enterprise Europe Network is co-financed under the COSME program, and Improve and KAM - under the Horizon 2020 program.
More than 680 organizations from Enterprise Europe Network participate in
- The countries of the European Economic Area
- Third countries from around the world
You can see which organizations are participating in the network at this link. This will guide you in which countries there are partners with whom he can assist you in business cooperation or answer questions related to the business framework in them.
The organizations in Enterprise Europe Network work in a network by creating profiles in a common database for business, technological and project cooperation, actively looking for partners and answering questions of their clients in intranet forums, organizing joint business missions and B2B events.
You can learn more about the Bulgarian network and where the offices in the country are located here.