On 14.04.2022 a meeting of the Bulgarian Construction Chamber with representatives from Veliko Tarnovo and Gabrovo was held at Hotel Bozhentsi, in Chernevtsi village, where the activities of the Regional Innovation Center “Ambitious Gabrovo” and its participation in the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) were presented.

As a member of EEN, RIC will offer two types of free services to companies – basic and advanced:
- Providing information relating funding programs
- Informing clients about upcoming seminars, webinars, exhibitions
- Helping clients with the necessary documentation, certificates, conditions, permits, regulations, which they will require for their work
- Aid for digital transformation
- Providing information regarding new Euro-policies targeting the business
- Advice about the protection of intellectual property
- Necessary documents for entering the international market and what policies should be followed
- Promoting the client’s work
- Establishing contact with other companies in our area / region
- Organisation of trainings, seminars and events for SMEs
Advanced (two types):
- Consultancy services for:
- Sustainable growth
- Competitiveness
- Sustainability on an international scale
- Access to finance
- Capacity building services, such as training to improve customer knowledge, innovation capacity and adaptability to new economic conditions
- Partnering services, which lead to:
- Increse of annual income
- Higher sales and marker expansion
- Creation of new job opportunities
- Improving the quality of products, services and processes
- Presenting the product/services on the international market
After the presentation, RIC showed its work in the green innovation field: the innitiative Happy Tube and samples of bulding blocks for various purposes, made of recycled compressed plastic.