Client profile
STS Pack Holding Ltd is a mid size company specialized in laminate tube manufacture. The tubes are used for cosmetic and oral care products, for products of pharmaceutical, chemical and food industry.

Client needs
During the manufacturing process the company creates industrial plastic wastage. The company has taken steps to lessen the industrial wastage, but still it cannot achieve zero wastage. So, it invested in a 3D printer able to print with flakes or granules. The main goal of the company is to implement the digital technology to make new high added value products from the industrial waste.
Provided solution to meet the needs
Regional Innovation Center “Ambitious Gabrovo” supported the company consulting it about the financial opportunity of the platform DIH-WORLD, gave the contact of the laboratory of a DIH – Sofia Tech Park with expertise in 3D printing and advised the company in the project preparation as well as during the project process.